Catland is now complete. This project started from a lovely donation by Carl Price and family of over 5000 euros. Then X-Elio got on board and committed further funds, promising more.. While waiting for funds, we had a lovely donation from a lady who wanted anonymity, plus other donations from our supporters. Our mayor Alejandro Morant and the Town hall, contributed practically, with a gift of three more casitas, which we made into cat duplexes.They also sent fake grass and other ground cover. We and the cats, are so grateful. Our fencing Team lead by Jesus Moreno Sanchez ,Moncho, Alex and Christobal, erected all the different pens and Alan Brenchley completed the plumbing and ground work. Jan Van Bodegraven built the cat houses and casita and Barry Maskell did the painting and erected the quarantine cages.the Well done everyone, a great team effort.
CATLAND was inaugurated on the 24th September and will be managed by Pat Earle thanks to the work that BARC Busot Animal Rescue Concern Alicante No cv01044306A and all its team of volunteers do, especially Yvonne Flanagan the person responsible for the cats.
In this project, the company X-Elio collaborated, assuming the costs of the perimeter fence and some other contributions, and thanks to this company that will soon settle in Busot, the dream of a home for abandoned cats has come true.
Many to Isabel Ruiz, from X-Elio, to Irene and the rest of the team, to Jesus Moreno Sanchez for being the link between all, to the animal welfare council, for its involvement, and to all who have made possible the launch of “Catland”. Today the abandoned cats have a home where they are cared for.
We keep going 💪🏽 💪🏽
Several months ago, our mayor Alejandro Morant on behalf of Ayuntamiento de Busot / Ajuntament de Busot gave us an old casita.
I had a plan for this to turn it into a duplex of cozy cat apartments. Ross S Toward immediately understood my plan and the result was this. Yes it needs weather proof paint, but the plan worked.
We have been gifted three more by Alejandro and his team and Ross has already set out converting them for the healthy cats at the new CATLAND.
We have so many offers of help for this project. Carl Price from Price Brothers UK. Albertus Hertsenberg who donated some fencing which is being re-used for quarantines and the company X- elio , a solar power company who want to pay for external fencing amongst other things.
Our latest addition at Barcland is the swimming pool for the dogs, opened in the Summer of 2004. The dogs can now cool off during the summer heat, no doubt the volunteers will be getting a cooling spray as well.
The pool was built by Alan Brenchley with money kindly donated by The Price Family UK.@Carl Price
The opening day of Barcland Saturday 24th September 2022
Progress June 2022
Alex the magnificent masterpiece created and sculpted by Enco Enzo Caan, was placed in his central position at the Land. We named him Alex to honor of our mayor Alejandro Morant ,who found this land for us. He negotiated the best price for us to buy it. He and the Town Hall have been supportive of our project. They donated the external fencing, the casita, concrete and solar street lights.
Progress on the kennels June 2022
Tree Planting 22nd March
We can’t do any building with this rain,but hasn’t stopped the kind donations of 4 Olives Trees and 3 Big Trees (getting stuck too) from The Big Arboriculturist on the Busot/ Campello Road.. So 3 arrived, 4 to come. Once again, thank you Jesus Moreno Sanchez for arranging this donation and helping the siting..
Tree Planting 12th March
Progress of the work December 2021.
On the 15th September our President posted the following on signing for the purchase of the land where BARC’s new kennels will be located.
An historic moment for BARC.Today I , on behalf.of my committee, have bought land in Busot ,to be the new BARC ANIMAL SANCTUARY.This is a project which will take some time and money to complete.However, we do not have to hurry. Our present kennel accomodation, Hotel Canino y Felino el Rey de la Casa in el Campello MariaOlofsson and her Team, have assured me that BARC is welcome there, however long it takes. We have learnt much from these guys and, I hope, they from us too. We will always be close and recommend them as a FIVE STAR BOARDING KENNELS.With the confidence and help from our Mayor Alejandro Morant and his Team of Councillors, we are able to move into the future of DOG RESCUE and CAT rehabilitation.For us it is a big project BUT with the help of our volunteers and supporters, we will get there.Alejandro will action the work he committed on behalf of the Ayuntamiento and we will not disappoint him.BARC will strive to make the Town of BUSOT proud !Animal Welfare is now of great importance. Most Municipal Gov. understands and respects the rights of Animals.BARC ANIMAL SANCTUARY will be something for the people of Busot to be proud of.Today for me was a momentous occasion.I had my oldest friend and Patron of BARC Lord Christopher and ConnieRaymundo my friend and BARC Lawyer beside me.Connie has literally moved mountains to make this happen and we are grateful..
Posted on Facebook 22 Nov 2020
EXCITING NEWS OF BARC KENNELS.Tomorrow the Town Hall will start to fence the perimeter of the Kennels and Feral Cat Sanctuary.Several years ago our mayor Alejandro Morant promised his support in obtaining land and assisting in other ways, to create this important venture.The last six months have seen BARC buy the land and the Town Hall clearing and landscaping the area, to our specifications.We can now start to lay our plans.The immediate project is to provide a FERAL CAT SANCTUARY.We have the materials. We desperately need volunteers to assist in erecting enclosures .So anyone with some free time and a desire to help,. please let me know.